Zakopiańskie miejsca kultury

Górale od wieków byli gotowi oddać swemu "Pon Jezusickowi" wszystko, co posiadali. Żeby pokazać mu jak bardzo go kochają budowali mu na chwałę kościoły, kapliczki i przydrożne krzyże.
Podczas tej wycieczki mogą Państwo podziwiać miejsca szczególnie ważne dla górali, ale również darzone sentymentem przez turystów odwiedzających Zakopane. W programie między innymi:
Kapliczka Korniłowiczów na Bystrem, Kapliczka w Jaszczurówce Kościół św. Rodziny, Stary Kościółek, Sanktuarium Matki Boskiej Fatimskiej na Krzeptówkach.

Czas wycieczki: ok. 5-6 godzin.

    • Guest from Canada

      An awesome location and a taste of local culture and custom; I hope to return!

      There is a ping pong table and pool table downstairs. The breakfast is great, although it does not start unil 8 am, making it difficult to start hiking early. The wooden doors and floors creak a lot, if you are a light sleeper!

    • Melisa

      "Even better than we expected"

      We arrived bleary-eyed straight off the overnight Warsaw-Zakopane bus and the staff kindly let us nap in a spare bedroom before the official check-in time. The room was warm and cosy with a great view and a fantastically large bath that we weren't expecting! Our good experience at Willa Orla was one of the main reasons we had such a great minibreak weekend away :)

    • Tony

      "Mini holiday in zakopane"

      about a 15 minute walk to town centre which was very impressive,ski area 8mins walk and could get on chair lift which takes u up to the top of the mountain with magnificent scenery,the price of food +drink in every bar +restaurant was very reasonable, willa orla is fine as u get more than what u pay for,breakfast is fine ,choice of cereals,eggs, ham,cheese,sausages, staff friendly and helpful ,will go back soon,

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